Learning by Creating
“You will never preserve your musical freedom if you don't learn how to break the rules and follow your own.”
One of my daily rhythms with music is an activity I call Campfire.
Every day, I reserve 5 minutes to create music with my instrument. If I were to offer you instructions, they would be:
Step 1: Start the fire
Step 2: Follow your own instructions
Step one is achieved simply by bumping into your instrument and making some noise. Five minutes daily is enough to keep you moving forward.
Step two is more nuanced, but ultimately what you need to know is that whatever happens next is up to you.
While you can benefit tremendously by following someone else's instructions (like mine ), you will never preserve your musical freedom if you don't learn how to break the rules and follow your own.
Think of some of your favorite artists. You don't love them because they sound like somebody else—you love them because they sound like nobody else. They have developed their “signature” sound.
Like the spark and glow of a flame, your creativity and imagination are unique to you. Campfire is the practice of finding your sound and nourishing your creative spirit.
I know that sounds like the ramblings of someone fresh off a 30-day wilderness retreat but I don't know how else to say it—you were born to create!
At popMATICS, we invite you to take part in the Campfire Challenge—10 Piano Lessons with easy-to-follow instructions that will inspire you to play a little piano every day.
If you've never played an instrument, or have tried and were sad, you will find success here. If you have experience, you will be able to do more with the instructions offered. Everyone is welcome around the Campfire.