Deck of Songs
If you study a song a week, your “Deck of Songs” will be complete one year from today, and it will be the most rewarding and FUN musical adventure you’ll ever have 🚀
This is my best idea yet. And that's not my ego talking; it’s 20 years of experience saving you a spot at the front of the line.
Every musician wishes they could play by ear, but many spend their whole lives believing they can't.
Musicians who are great at playing by ear often develop their abilities at a young age through such an organic process that they don't remember how it happened.
Lucky for the students at popMATICS, I’ve traced it back to the start.
I hope you like games. This one starts with two Jokers. We will build a deck, but not a deck of cards; we will build a deck of songs—52, to be exact, because that’s precisely how many it takes to develop your understanding of sound and your ability to play by ear.
To start building your Deck, choose two songs you love (Jokers) and create a playlist (Deck) around them.
Listen to your Deck regularly, aiming for 20 minutes a day.
To officially welcome a Joker into your Deck, you must be able to:
1. Communicate a lesson you received from studying it
2. Play a piece of it on your instrument
Once a Joker has been promoted, add a new song to your Deck. Repeat this process until your Deck contains 52 official members.
If you study a song a week, your “Deck of Songs” will be complete one year from today, and it will be the most rewarding and FUN musical adventure you’ll ever experience
I visit my playlist often to work on my Deck, learning more about each song, both in terms of my understanding and ability to play it. I want to know my deck like the back of my hand so I can instantly draw upon the treasure trove of sound secrets I’ve collected
So, what are you waiting for? Choose your first two songs, create your playlist, and start listening. Take the first step towards making music as easy to play as it is to listen to
If you want to learn more, join my FREE live workshop, 'Make Music Easy,' where I'll discuss The Deck and share some of my other good ideas. For the first time, we'll be giving participants a handout with detailed steps on how to create your own Deck.
Our next live workshop is Wednesday, September 18th, at Noon ET.
So let us know, what will the first two Jokers in your deck be?